Getting Started - Transaction Setup

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Previous Step: Getting Started - Inventory Setup

This step applies to all ToolHound implementations.

Consult your implementation guide!

  1. Add custom Return Statuses, if using.

Create customized Return Statuses to be used when inventory items are returned to Stocking Locations (e.g. BER – Beyond Economical Repair, Misuse, Unrecoverable, etc.).

Revisit Location Settings to assign custom return status to automatic returns, if required.

** Do not attempt this without assistance. To be covered during training or contact Support.**

  1. Add custom Transaction Types, if using.

Create additional Transaction Types to highlight variants of standard transactions in ToolHound (e.g. Issue to Vendor, Automatic Return, Sent for Disposal, etc.).

1. Create a variant of Issue called Out for Repair.

2. Create a variant of Return called Return from Repair.

Revisit Location Settings to assign custom transaction status to automatic transactions, if required.

** Do not attempt this without assistance. To be covered during training or contact Support.**


Next step: Getting Started - Service Setup


Overview: Getting Started - Implementation Step Summary

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