About Background Notification Runs

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Background Notification displays the history of each run (iteration) of configured background notifications along with the date, and the results of the last iteration of report.

Three columns are displayed:

  • Notification - The three background notifications are Over Due Issues, Service Due, and Below Minimum Quantity on Hand.
  • Date - The date and time the background notification was queued or successfully run.
  • Message - The result of the of the date and time the background notification was queued or successfully run.
Use the Search box at the top right of the tab to filter the run results.

Possible values for the Message:

Email sent successfully.

The report was successfully run and emailed. This is the most frequent result.

No Data

The report was successfully run but contained no data. An email was sent with no attachment and "No Data" added to the body of the email.

Email not sent -

Any message beginning with "Email not sent" indicates a problem with the email configuration. The second half of the message will give more information.

Internal Server Error - see Application Log for details

An error prevented this report from running. Advise the appropriate resource according to your subscription type:

  • ToolHound Cloud: Email ToolHound Support and include a screenshot of the error.
  • ToolHound On-Premise: Contact your organization's IT personnel and include a screenshot of the error.

See also:

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