About Adjust Inventory on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Adjust Inventory is used to change the quantity on hand for inventory, either Bulk or Consumable. The quantity on hand can be increased (positive number) or decreased (negative number). When adding new Bulk or Consumable inventory outside of the Purchasing module, use this function to set the initial inventory level.

Fields on this screen include:


Choose the stocking location where the item's quantity will be adjusted.

Item ID

Enter the item ID to be adjusted.

Part Number

Displays the Part Number of the item ID being adjusted.


Displays the Description associated with the Part Number of the Item ID being adjusted.

Qty On Hand

Displays the current quantity on hand at the stocking point for the item ID


Enter the quantity of the adjustment. By default this is a positive number to increase the quantity on hand. A negative number will decrease the quantity on hand.


Enter a reason for the adjustment.


Enter the cost of the item(s), if available.


Displays the currency in the company Settings to associate with the cost.


Displays the area in the tool crib where the item(s) will be stored. This can be added or changed by typing a new Bin value

Job Number

Enter or scan an existing job number. Displayed only if Use Cost Coding has been selected for this stocking location.

Sub Job Number

Enter or scan an existing sub job number, if needed. Displayed only if Use Cost Coding has been selected for this stocking location.

Cost Code Number

Enter or scan an existing cost code associated with the selected sub job, if needed. Displayed only if Use Cost Coding has been selected for this stocking location.

See also:

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