Setting up Microsoft authorization for SSO

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This is the first step in preparing to enable SSO (single sign on) in ToolHound for Microsoft accounts.

  1. Log in to your Microsoft Azure account or create one if you don’t already have one. 
  2. Search for App registrations
  3. Click + New Registration
  4. Enter the Name of the application. This can include the environment for clarity.
    Example: ToolHound 6 Staging or ToolHound 6 Production. 
  5. Under Supported account types, select who can access your ToolHound instance. 
  6. Under Redirect URI, select Web and enter the URI used to access ToolHound followed by /signin-Microsoft
  7. Click Register
  8. Once the app overview is displayed, record the Application (client) ID. This is the Client ID required for configuring the ToolHound server. 
  9. Click Certificates and Secrets on the left. 
  10. Click + new client secret
  11. Enter the Description as you like. 
  12. Select an Expires date. Note this as a new secret will need to be created upon expiry and the server updated. 
  13. Click Add to generate the secret. 
  14. Record the Value created. This is the Client Secret required for configuring the ToolHound server.
Once you leave this screen, you will no longer be able to see the secret and will have to create another if you did not record this value. 
You can also employ secret storage or environment variables instead of entering these values directly in appsettings.json on the server in the next step so that the secrets are more secure.  See instructions for Microsoft accounts.

See also:

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