Adding a Part Number on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Tap Inventory then tap Part Number.
  2. Tap at the top right to begin adding a new part number.
  3. Enter the minimum required information.
  • For all inventory types enter the Part No, Inventory Type, Visibility, and Description.
  • For non-serialized inventory types, the Item ID must entered.
  1. Optionally enter Alternate ID 1 and Alternate ID 2 for non-serialized part numbers.
  2. Enter additional information on the General screen.
  3. Optionally add any comments on the Notes screen.
  4. Optionally add an image on the Picture screen.
  5. Tap to save the new part number.
Any details for tasks, certifications, preferred vendors, and bin shelf, as well as minimum and maximum on hand levels for the stocking point can be added in the browser.

See also:

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