Creating a Checklist

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Service in the left side menu bar, then click Check Lists.​​
  2. Click to create a new checklist.
  3. Enter a unique Description for the checklist. The checklist will be Active by default.
  4. Click  to the left of Add Group. A new group block will be displayed.
    1. Type a unique name for the group.
    2. Select Single Option Only if items within this group can have only one option item.
    3. Select Remarks to enable the capturing of comments for each item.
    4. Configure the Items within this group.
      1. Type a unique description for the first new item added by default.
      2. Click  to the left of Add Item for each additional item within the group then type the unique description.
    5. Confiture the Options available for the items within the group.
      1. Type a unique description for the first new option added by default.
      2. Click  to the left of Add Option then type the unique description each additional option for items within the group.
  5. Add additional groups, items, and options as required.
  • Repeat the previous step to manually create additional groups and the items and options for that group.
  • Click to repeat an entire group with all the same options and items. Provide a unique description for the Group.
  1. Click to save the checklist.
Click to remove the entire group from the Checklist.

See also:

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