ToolHound Glossary

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Below is a list of commonly used terms in ToolHound.

Part Number

A Part Number is similar to a catalog listing and groups together all inventory with the same description and a specific use, size, type, and capacity.

Serialized Item

Serialized items are unique assets, sometimes having serial numbers, that are tracked individually.  Each part number with the inventory type of serialized can have multiple serialized items.  


An ID is a unique identifier. IDs apply to inventory items, personnel, employers, locations, vendors, and other types of data. This is frequently a barcode but can be anything unique.

An Item ID applies to your inventory. Inventory must have a Primary ID and can optionally have one or more Alternate IDs. If only one Item ID is assigned, it is the Primary ID by default. Alternate IDs can be used to issue, return, and search for a specific item but the ID designated as the Primary ID is always displayed by default.

Entity or Entity ID

Entity refers to either a Personnel record (employee) or non-stocking Location responsible for inventory that is checked out.

The Entity ID is either the Personnel ID or the Location ID and must be unique. A Personnel ID cannot exist as a Location ID and vice versa.


There are two types of Locations:

  • Stocking Locations own inventory and issue inventory out to entities. Examples are tool cribs, warehouses, or distribution points.
  • Non-stocking Locations are either a placeholder in the location hierarchy to represent your organization or represent physical sites, such as project sites, that inventory is checked out to but no individual accountability is required. Non-stocking locations cannot own inventory.


A Job is an optional reference on a transaction in addition to the Entity ID and is available when cost coding is turned on for the issuing stocking location. Jobs can also appear on Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Transfer Requests, and Transfers.

In some organizations the term "job" is used for locations to which inventory is loaned or checked out. See non-stocking locations above.


The visibility is a Location and determines the scope of who can see what. Visibility applies throughout ToolHound - to part numbers, users, employers, personnel, and even service tasks. When setting up your inventory, you will usually create a non-stocking location to represent your organization at the top of your location hierarchy to act as an umbrella. This will typically be your visibility for all part numbers you wish to standardize throughout the organization.


A Certification is special training required to use a tool or piece of equipment or simply a record of qualifications, and is normally assigned to both the Part Number and the Personnel records to which it applies.


An issue transaction is used to check out tools and equipment to entities.


A Transfer is the transfer of ownership of inventory from one stocking point to another. A transfer must be created then received at the destination.

Transaction Rental

Transaction Rental is an add-on module that piggybacks on transactions to charge rent on issued inventory. It was called External Rental in ToolHound 5.

Transfer Rental

Transfer Rental is an add-on module that piggybacks on transfers to charge rent to other stocking locations. It was called Internal Rental in ToolHound 5.

ToolHound 6 Mobile

ToolHound 6 Mobile is the app available for both Android and iOS scanners and internet-enabled devices. Also called THM6.

Mobile Users

Mobile users are User logins that have access to the ToolHound 6 Mobile app only. Mobile users cannot log into the full browser version of ToolHound 6. The number of mobile users is not limited by your license agreement.

Named Users

Named users are individual, unique User logins that have access to both the full version of ToolHound 6 and the ToolHound 6 Mobile app. The number of named users permitted is limited by your license agreement.

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