About Serialized Kits & Counts

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

When performing an inventory or stock taking of serialized kits, kit contents are not added to the count. Count only the kit item ID. Do not count the kit contents.

When the count is closed, the Quantity on Hand and Last Count date will be updated for the kit Item ID. This will also update the Last Count date for all serialized items in the kit.

If you wish to inventory the contents of kits, this must be done separately.

To inventory the contents of a serialized kit,
  1. Print the Serialized Kit Content report for the kit item ID. The Serialized Kit Content report includes all item IDs that are required to be in the kit as well as the Required Quantity and Quantity in the kit.
  2. Verify the item IDs and quantities in the kit against the report.
  3. Update the kit as required.
  • Adjust quantities in or out of the kit.
  • Add or remove items from the kit.

Reminder: Kit contents cannot be edited while the kit is issued. To make any changes to the kit, it must first be returned to the stocking point.

Consider keeping a copy of the Serialized Kit Content report posted inside the kit in a plastic sleeve or taped to an obvious location.

See also:

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