Configuring Renting Locations for Transfer Rate Sheets

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Renting locations must be configured before any transfers so the rental will triggered at the time the transfer is sent to that stocking location.

  1. Look up the rate sheet.
  2. Select the Locations tab.
  3. Enter the Location Name for the stocking location that will be charged rent.
  4. Select the Billing Location that is charging rent to the stocking location entered in the last step.
  5. Click to copy this combination to the grid below. Charge Rent will be checked by default.
To stop charging rent to this stocking point, remove the Charge Rent flag. It is best practice to first ensure there are no outstanding items on rent for this stocking point.
  1. If applicable, enter a Discount percentage to be applied to the rent charged to this location.
  2. Click ​ to save the changes to the rates.

See also:

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