About Configure Dashboard

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This feature is in BETA. Development is ongoing. Report any issues to the Support team.

The Configure Dashboard page is used to add and configure KPI (Key Performance Indicator) dashboards for your organization. Access this page by clicking on the toolbar of the Dashboard page.

Fields on this page include


This is the name of the dashboard which can contain multiple panels.


The visibility location to restrict the locations available to select for each user viewing the dashboard. When creating a dashboard, select a higher visibility to accommodate viewing individual stocking points.

Max Rows

The maximum number of total rows (height) for all KPI panels combined.

Consider creating multiple dashboards instead of a single dashboard with many rows to avoid scrolling down the page.

Max Columns

All dashboards are limited to 3 columns wide.

The details area of the page will contain the configuration view of KPI panels based on the combination of Max Rows and Max Columns for the dashboard and the Size (Row by Col.) within each KPI panel.

See also:

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