About Personnel on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Personnel screen is similar to the Personnel page in the browser. It is used to view, edit, or add a picture to an existing personnel record. New personnel records can also be created either from scratch or by duplicating an existing personnel record.

  • Home displays the basic identifying information for the personnel record including the entity ID, employee no, first and last name, employer, visibility, and whether the employee is active.
  • General displays additional information for the personnel record.
  • Notes displays any comments for the personnel record.
  • Picture displays the image associated with the personnel record.

Use the browser to view certifications, transaction history, or attachments associated with the personnel record.

The Personnel screen has a slightly different set of icons on the toolbar:

Undo changes

Clear the screen

Add a new personnel record

Duplicate or copy the personnel record on the screen

Upload a picture to associate with the personnel record. Shown only on the Picture screen

Take a picture to associate with the personnel record. Shown only on the Picture screen

Save the personnel record and any changes.

See also:

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