About Create Count

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Creating a count is the first step in a physical inventory or cycle count. Once a count is created to describe the scope of inventory that will be counted, the items are then counted, before finally closing the count at which time the quantities are updated and any discrepancies are reported. Multiple counts can be worked on concurrently.

Create Count is used to define what will be counted - the range of part numbers and associated items for a specific count - depending on the count type selected. Four count types are available:

  • Count Whatever I Like does not provide a list of items to be counted, giving you the freedom to count as few or as many unrelated items as you wish. This type of count does not generate discrepancies when the count is closed, since nothing is expected.
  • Count With Criteria generates a list of items to be counted based on the filters you select. This is very similar to using Advanced Filters with reports. Common examples include filtering for a specific inventory type or category, or partial descriptions or bin shelf.
  • Count By Date Last Counted generates a list of items to be counted by comparing the serialized item's or non-serialized part number's Last Count Date to the Last Counted Before date you enter.
  • Count By Entity generates a list of items issued out to a specific personnel or non-stocking entity, similar to an Issued Assets email.
When a Count By Entity count is closed, it does not affect the quantity on hand since this applies to what has been issued to the personnel or non-stocking location. Any serialized items counted that were not previously issued to the entity will be issued. If they were recorded as issued to a different entity, they will be reassigned. Non-serialized inventory counted for the entity is not issued to the entity as it's impossible to determine whether the inventory was taken from on hand inventory or from another entity.
Kits are handled differently than standard inventory. Find out more.

See also:

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