Issuing Required Inventory from a Work Order

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Required inventory can be issued from the work order for any open approved work orders that have assigned personnel. The same validations as a standard issue apply.

The transaction will be created with the Issue transaction type assigned in the stocking location's Settings tab for Locations. Otherwise, the issue transaction type with the lowest order value will be used.

  1. Look up the work order under Service > Work Orders.
  2. Ensure the work order is already Approved and an Assigned To entity has been selected on the Work To Do tab.
  3. Select the Required Inventory tab.
  • A Select All checkbox will be displayed for the top row and check boxes will be displayed for each required part number.
  • For each serialized part number, a text box and lookup will be displayed to select the item ID.
  1. Specify the inventory to issue.
    1. Select either Select All or the checkboxes for the part numbers to issue.
    2. Enter or use the lookup to specify the item IDs for serialized part numbers.
  2. Add a Reference for this transaction if desired.
  3. Click  to process the transaction.

See also:

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