Issuing and Returning on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Watch this video on checking out and returning inventory in the browser and in the Mobile app.
  1. Tap Transactions then tap Issue / Return.
  2. Enter the general information for the transaction on the Home tab.
    1. If necessary, override the dates by deselecting Use Current Date & Time? or Billing Date Same as Transaction Date/Time? which are both checked by default.
    2. Select the Transaction Type. Basic transaction types are Issue (to send inventory out) and Return (for items being brought back). Other transaction types might be available for your organization for specific purposes.
      1. If a return Transaction Type is selected, select the Return Status to be assigned to each item.
    3. Enter the Entity ID of the personnel or non-stocking location for this transaction.
    4. Enter other information for this transaction if required including the Due Date for issues, Reference, Work Order No, or cost coding information.
  3. Tap .
  4. Enter each item ID for the transaction.
    1. Type the Item ID or tap to scan. Alternatively, click to search. The item ID will be copied to the grid below with the Qty of 1.
    2. Adjust the quantity for non-serialized items if required. Type the number or use or around the field to increase or decrease the number. Or enter a . followed by a number in the Item ID field.
    3. Enter additional information specific to this item.
      1. Optionally override the default Return Status for return transactions. This is avoids having to create two returns for inventory returned in different states.
      2. Enter a Due Date for the item if one is not set for this transaction.
      3. Enter or modify the default Cost Code.
    To delete an item select the item and tap and hold on the item and swipe left to display the Delete button. Tap to delete the item. To clear the Cart and start again, tap on the top of the screen.
  5. Tap if needed to add any additional information to the transaction.
To capture a signature with the transaction, tap on the top of the screen and follow the instructions, then tap to return to the Cart.
  1. Tap to process the the transaction.

See also:

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