What does "Invalid Entity ID" mean?

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The message "Invalid Entity ID" occurs when an entity ID either does not exist, is in the Recycle Bin, or the entity is inactive. An entity ID is either the Personnel ID or non-stocking Location ID responsible for inventory when it is checked out.

  • If the error occurs when entering an entity ID on a transaction, verify this entity ID.
    1. Lookup the Entity ID on either the Personnel or Locations pages and ensure the record is Active. If necessary, restore it from the Recycle Bin.
  • If the error occurs when saving a transaction, the item is likely still issued to another entity. The return transaction cannot be created for the entity on the previous issue so the current transaction is being blocked.
    1. Find either the Current Entity on the General tab for the serialized item or the Entity ID on the last issue on the Transaction History tab
    2. Lookup the Entity ID on either the Personnel or Locations pages and ensure the record is Active. If necessary, restore it from the Recycle Bin.
    You should now be able to proceed with the transaction.

If this does not resolve the problem, contact Support.

See also:

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