Meter-Based tasks tab for Service Due

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Meter Based Task is used to query the service required at a single stocking point with a specified percentage of the required readings and generate batches of work orders with the same status and priority. Multiple batches of work orders can be created within a single session with differing status and priority values.​​

This tab uses the following common parameters:

Stocking Location

Select the Stocking Location to search from.


Select the work order status from the list to be assigned to all work orders generated.


Select the work order priority from the list to be assigned to all work orders generated.

Fields on this tab include:

Percent Of Required Reading

Enter the percentage of the reading within which the Last Service Reading must fall in order to be considered for service. The default value is 100%.

Select All

Click the check box to select a row or click the column header to select all eligible rows.

Work Order No

Hyperlinked work order numbers are displayed once work orders are created.

Item ID

Displays item ID that has service due for a task of this type.

Part Number

Displays item's part number.


Displays the description of the part.

Serial Number

Displays the part number's serial number.

Current Entity

Displays the current user creating the work order.


Displays the date-based task description for the item that is due for service.


Displays the meter frequency at which the task is to be performed.


Displays the date meter used in conjunction with the frequency.

Last Service Reading

Displays the last date that the service was performed for the specified task.

Last Reading Date

Displays the date that a reading was last taken.

Last Reading

Displays the last reading.

Service Due Reading

Displays the reading at which the service is due, calculated as the Last Reading plus the Frequency.

See also:

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