Transaction History tab for Locations

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Transaction History tab applies only to non-stocking locations.

This tab lists all of the transactions related to the non-stocking location.

Double-click on any row to view the transaction details in the Transactions window.
To change the number of entries shown, select a number to view from the Show...entries drop down list.
Click the Show Outstanding Items Only check box to display only items that are currently issued to the current entity.
Click to send a list of outstanding inventory to the email address(es) for this non-stocking location record.
To view an entire transaction, double-click the row.

Fields on this tab include:


The location in which the transaction took place.


The date the transaction took place.

Due Date

The date the item is/was due to be returned.

Item ID

The item ID of the inventory record.

Part Number

The part number of the item.


Th description of the part number.


The transaction type for this record.


The status of the item at the time of the transaction.


The quantity of the part number for the transaction.

See also:

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