About the Reorder Worksheet

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Reorder Worksheet is a hybrid of a report and a wizard used to suggest order quantities per stocking location. Most frequently the Reorder Worksheet is used to generate purchase orders but it can also be used to generate transfer requests or purchase requisitions as determined by the user. When vendor information is stored on the Vendors tab for the part number, this information will be included but can be overridden.

The part numbers and suggested order quantities appearing on the Reorder Worksheet are a result of

  • the minimum and maximum quantities set for a part number at a particular stocking location
  • the parameters selected before running the query

Watch this video on using the Reorder Worksheet.

Query parameters

Include Issued Items as On Hand (Bulk/Serialized Only)

Select to include the Current Issues in the Qty on Hand for Bulk and Serialized Inventory types when calculating the Suggested Order quantity (Min On Hand - Qty On Hand)

Ignore Minimum (Order to Maximum Regardless of QOH)

Select to ignore the condition that the Qty On Hand must be less than the Min On Hand. All parts with a Quantity On Hand less than the Max On Hand will be displayed.

Include Allocated/Reserved (Subtract from QOH)

Select to subtract the Allocated and Reserved quantities from the Qty On Hand when calculating the Suggested Order quantity (Min On Hand - Qty On Hand)

Include Transfer Requests (Add net to QOH)

Select to substract the Transfer Request quantity from the Qty On Hand when calculating the Suggested Order quantity.

Exclude Unapproved POs (Add to QOH)

Select to add the quantity on unapproved purchase orders to the Qty On Hand when calculating the Suggested Order quantity.

Consumable Only

Select to filter for only Consumable inventory types.

Saving a Reorder Worksheet

If you are interrupted or cannot complete the order in one sitting, click on the edit toolbar to retain the results of the query parameters and any data you have entered.

Retrieving a saved Reorder Worksheet

A saved worksheet can be retrieved by selecting the stocking point and clicking on the edit toolbar to load the saved reorder worksheet.

Saved worksheets are deleted once one or more documents are processed.

Related Reports
Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Transfer Requests

See also:

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