Configuring Background Notification Frequency - On-Premise only

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

For On-Premise installations only, the frequency of background notifications can be tailored for your organization. These changes apply to all background notifications. Standard notifications will continue to be sent as they are triggered.

The BackgroundNotification block of code in the appsettings.json file controls whether these notifications are sent and how often. The appsettings.json file is found on the application server in the installation path. The default values are shown below.

  "BackgroundNotification": {

    "RunService": true,

    "RunNotification": true,

    "IntervalInHours": 24,

    "RunOnStartup": true




If true, background notifications timer service will run

If false, background notifications timer service will not run and cannot sent notifications


If true, background notifications are sent if timer service is running

If false, background notifications are not sent even if the timer service is running.


Integer values only. Minimum value is 1.

To send background notifications once per day, set this value to 24. To send more frequently, use a smaller number. To send less frequently than once per day, set a value greater than 24.


Integer values only. Defaults to 30 days if this setting does not exist.

For personnel certifications with expiry dates, the number of days in advance of a personnel's certification expiry that it will be included in the background notification email.


If true, background notifications will be sent when the application or IIS server is restarted and a timer will start immediately, sending every IntervalInHours.

If false, background notifications will be sent at midnight (local time for the application server) and then every IntervalInHours starting from midnight.

See also:

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