Updating a Count

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Any count can continue to be updated until the count is closed. Counts can be updated by entering data on this page in the browser, importing count data, or using the TH6 Mobile app. The browser and TH6 Mobile app will always show count information entered from all sources.

Kits are handled differently than standard inventory. Find out more.
  1. Lookup the count number under Inventory > Counts.
  2. Click the Counted tab. The grid will display the list of item IDs to be counted and the details of any items previously counted.
For Count Whatever I Like count types, this can be blank if nothing has previously been counted for this count number.
  1. Enter the details of each item counted.
    1. Enter the Item ID and the Quantity
    2. Click to the right. If the count for the Item ID already exists in the grid then the Quantity for that row will be increased by the count value entered. If the Item ID doesn't already exist, you will be prompted to add it to the grid. The Counted Date and User Full Name will be updated in either case.

See also

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