Installing ToolHound 6 On-Premise using Windows Authentication

Updated by Dean Perry

  1. Follow the instructions for Installing ToolHound 6 On-Premise.
  2. When prompted for the SQL connection string, enter the Server and Trusted_Connection parameters following the examples below.

Example for default SQL instance:

  • Server=[COMPUTER_NAME]; Trusted_Connection=Yes

Example for named SQL instance:

  • Server=[COMPUTER_NAME]\\[INSTANCE_NAME]; Trusted_Connection=Yes
When entering any slashes, always double them even if they did not appear that way in your SQL Server.
  1. In SQL Server Management Studio under Security -> Logins, create a log in for the user account that will be used. Give the user permissions to create a database, update the schema and stored procedures, as well as read, write and execute.
  2. In IIS, change the ToolHound 6 application pool's Identity to the user created in step 3.

See also:

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