Closing a Project

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Close Project retires all inventory at a stocking location. This cannot be undone. Individual serialized items can be reinstated via Retired Items.
  1. Click Locations in the left side menu bar and click Close Project.
  2. Select the stocking location to in the Location Name.
  3. Enter specifics for how the inventory will be retired.
    1. Select the Retired Status to be used for serialized inventory.
    2. Select the Return Transaction Type and Return Status for any issued inventory.
    3. Enter the Reason to be used for inventory adjustments.
  4. If the Transfer Rental module is in use and inventory has been rented to this stocking location, select Charge Replacement Cost? and change the Billing Date if required.
  5. Optionally select Print after Saving? to report on all inventory adjustments created when the project is closed.
  6. Click to get a count of the number of records to process. Click OK to continue processing or Cancel to abort the process.

See also:

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