Setting up Google authorization for SSO

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This is the first step in preparing to enable SSO (single sign on) in ToolHound for Google accounts.

  1. Log into your Google Cloud account or create one if you don’t already have one. 
  2. Click Credentials
  3. Click + Create Credentials
  4. Select oAuth client id
  5. Select Web application under Application Type.  
  6. Enter whatever Name you like. This can include the environment for clarity.
    Example: ToolHound 6 Staging or ToolHound 6 Production. 
  7. Under Authorized Javascript origins, click + ADD URI
  8. Enter the URI used to access ToolHound.
  9. Under Authorized redirect URIs, click + ADD URI
  10. Enter the URI used to access ToolHound plus /signin-google
  11. Click CREATE
  12. Record the Client ID and Client secret for configuring the ToolHound server. 
You can also employ secret storage or environment variables instead of entering these values directly in appsettings.json on the server in the next step so that the secrets are more secure.  See instructions for Google accounts.

See also:

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