Updating Rates on a Transaction Rate Sheet

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Any part number on the rate sheet set as Locked will not be updated.
  1. Click Transaction Rentals in the left side menu bar, then Transaction Rate Sheets.
  2. Find the rate sheet to update as described in Looking Up a Transaction Rate Sheet.
  3. Click Update Rates.
  4. Select either of the options available:
  • Percent of Current Rate - Enter the percentage of the current rate. This will apply to all values on the rate sheet.
    Example: For a 10% increase over the current rate, enter 110%.
  • Percent of Cost - Enter only the percentage of the cost for each rate to update. Any rates with 0.00 will be ignored. Options for Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, all the Idle Rates, Minimum Charge, Maximum Charge, and Selling Price.
    Example: To charge half the cost, enter 50%. To charge twice the cost, enter 200%.
  1. Click OK to proceed.
  2. Click Yes on the confirmation message to calculate and save the new rates.

See also:

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