Installing ToolHound 6 On-Premise as an Azure App Service

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

For On Premise installations the update to version 6.2024.314.0 requires an update from .Net 6 to the .Net 8. Select .Net 8 in the App Service configuration. Note that IIS must be restarted after updating to .Net 8.
Installing the update without changing to .Net 8 will cause the site to fail to load.

  1. Assemble the required files
    1. Download TH6, web.config, and appsettings.json from the download link provided by email.
    2. Have your license file (*.lic) available. It was attached to the same email with the download link.
    For test installations where you do not have a license file, download Trial.lic from the same download link.
  2. Set up the App Service.
Select .Net 8 in the App Service configuration.
  1. Set up the SQL instance.
  2. Extract the zip and FTP all the files to the App Service application server. Place the web.config and appsettings.json files into the root folder.
  3. Create a folder called Licenses in the root folder. Copy your license file into this folder.
  4. Edit the appsettings.json file.
    1. Configure the ToolHoundConnection parameter with the SQL connection string
    2. Configure the ToolHound6.Api with the Host URL / IP address and, if required for your instance, port.
    3. Configure the EmailSettings block to enable the automatic sending of emails from within the ToolHound browser. This is used to email reports, contact ToolHound Support, and send any notifications configured by the users. See Configuring Email.
    4. Configure the ScheduledReports block to allow, set the frequency, and limit databases polled for scheduled reports sent by email. See Enabling Scheduled Reports - On-Premise only and Configuring the Scheduled Reports Database List - On-Premise only.
    5. Configure the BackgroundNotification block to allow, set the frequency, and limit databases polled for background notifications for different events sent by email. See Configuring Background Notification Frequency - On-Premise only and Configuring the Scheduled Reports Database List - On-Premise only.
    6. Configure the ExternalLogin and Authentication blocks to support the use of SSO by the end users. See Configuring Single Sign On (SSO) - On Premise Only.
  5. Optionally configure a persistent message to be displayed to all users when they log into the browser. See About Message.
To test the installation, see the instructions in Installing ToolHound 6 On-Premise

You can now proceed to the Registration Page to create a blank ToolHound database.

See also:

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