Configuring Single Sign On (SSO) - On Premise Only

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

ToolHound 6 supports single sign on (SSO) for Microsoft and Google. Once configured and enabled, users can log in to ToolHound 6 Browser or ToolHound 6 Mobile by clicking the button for the email account associated with their user record. This does not prevent users from logging in with their password.

For ToolHound On Premise only, SSO must be first be configured for the desired external logins before being enabled. For ToolHound Cloud subscribers, this is not necessary.

Watch this video overview of using SSO.
Single sign on is not appropriate for standalone installations of ToolHound On Premise (versus network installations) where the ToolHound Mobile app will be used due to Microsoft's limitations on the use of IP addresses in favour of localhost.
Step 1: Set up SSO for the required accounts

If your organization is already using SSO with other applications, set up the ToolHound application:

If your organization is not currently using SSO, find information on

Note the Client ID and Client Secret values to use in the next step.

Note the Expiry Date for the Client ID to ensure users are not prevented from using SSO in the future.
You can also employ secret storage or environment variables instead of entering these values directly in appsettings.json on the server in the next step so that the secrets are more secure.  See instructions for Microsoft accounts and Google accounts.
Step 2: Configure the ToolHound server

Edit appsettings.json file in the installation path on the application server.

  1. Add the ExternalLogin block as shown below. If only one account type is used, set the other to false or remove the line.

"ExternalLogin": {

"Microsoft": true,

"Google": true


  1. Add the Authentication block as shown below and supply the ClientSecret and ClientId value provided by each external login source. If only one account type is used, do not include the unused account type in this block.

"Authentication": {

"Google": {

"ClientSecret": "xxxx",

"ClientId": "xxxx"


"Microsoft": {

"ClientSecret": "xxxx",

"ClientId": "xxxx"



Note: If this is not the last block in the file, add a comma after the last }.

  1. Restart the ToolHound web site in IIS.
Step 3: Enable SSO in the Settings

This can be done by the ToolHound administrator in the browser.

  1. Log in to the browser.
  2. Click Utilities > Settings.
  3. Select the Authentication tab.
    1. Select the account type(s) to enable.
    2. Optionally, select Disable Local Login to prevent users bypassing SSO and logging in with a password.
  4. Click . The changes will take effect for the next user login.

See also:

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