General tab for Transactions

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The General tab is the default tab for the Transactions page. It displays the identifying information for the transaction. Use this tab to find a transaction.

Fields on this tab include:

Transaction No.

Displays the transaction number.

Requisition No.

Displays the requisition number. Hyperlinks to the originating transaction requisition where applicable.

Transaction Date

Displays the date of the transaction.

Transaction Time

Displays the time of the transaction.

Stocking Point

The stocking location where the inventory resides.


Displays the ID for the personnel or non stocking location under which the transaction took place.


Displays any reference to the transaction.


If a signature has been saved on ToolHound Mobile at the time of the transaction or using Delivery Signature, the signature image will be displayed.

Transaction Rate Sheet

Displayed when the Transaction Rental module is in use and the personnel's employer or non stocking location is set to be charged rent on a transaction rate sheet.

Billing Date

This can differ from the Transaction Date. Required when the Transaction Rental module is in use and the personnel's employer or non stocking location is set to be charged rent on a transaction rate sheet.


This can differ from the Transaction Time. Required when the Transaction Rental module is in use and the personnel's employer or non stocking location is set to be charged rent on a transaction rate sheet.


Displays the job associated with the transaction.

Sub Job

Displays the sub job associated with the transaction.

Cost Code

Displays the cost code associated with the transaction. Note the code code can also be assigned for each line on the transaction.

Work Order No

Displays the related Work Order for the transaction.


The notes for the transaction which may be edited.

See also:

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