About Create Requisition

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Create Requisition is used to generate a request for inventory that can later be approved then partially or fully picked. A requisition cannot be picked without being approved. When picked, an Issue transaction is generated.

The required information for a requisition is the stocking location of the the inventory, who the inventory is requested by, the date it is required, and whether or not it will be reserved. If reserved, the inventory will not be available for issue to any other entity. Optional information includes the Reference, Shipping Instructions, Notes, and Return Date.

The Job, Sub Job, Cost Code and Work Order No. can also be supplied if those options are enabled for the stocking location.

A requisition can quickly be created for a work order where the task has required tools and materials by entering the Work Order No. If the work order has already been assigned and the Entity ID is not entered on the requisition, this information will be carried over from the work order's Assigned To.
Related Reports
Requisition Back Orders, Transaction Requisition

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