About Service Tasks

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Tasks are used in the Service (or Maintenance) module to describe work be performed in-house or by outside vendors on a scheduled or as-needed basis for serialized items. Tasks are attached to part numbers as service requirements to assure that all items associated with that part number are serviced regularly.

Scheduled and planned tasks use frequency meters to indicate the service interval that can be based on time, issues, or a user-configured non-date meter (such as operating hours, pressure, gauge level, or mileage). If required, detailed instructions with or without checklists can be set on the task. For in-house maintenance shops where the required parts are carried as part of usual inventory, these tools and materials can be included as required on the task.

Unplanned tasks do not require a frequency.

Examples service tasks include calibration, load test, visual inspection, servicing, certification, and repairs.

Tasks can be used in conjunction with work orders where formal tracking, a printed report (perhaps for an outside service center) or an audit trail of every historic service is required.

When items are due for service, a warning or alert will be displayed if attempting to issue or return the item.

Common fields on the Tasks page, which should be completed before going to any of the tabs, are described below:


Enter unique the task name of up to 25 characters.


Select the location, drop down list displays the locations based on the permitted location accessibility. Part numbers must have a visibility within the same scope in order to be assigned this task.


Check the box in order to keep the status of the task in use.  When adding new tasks, this is checked by default.

Task Type

Select from one of three task types:

  • Regular – task triggered by date, number of issues, or meter reading
  • Reading Only – task triggered by date only to take a meter reading only which will in turn update the meter reading that might trigger a regular tasks based on that meter reading


Select the work order type from the drop down.

Watch this video for an understanding of managing preventative maintenance and emergency repairs with the Service module.

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