About Background Notifications

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Background notifications, unlike standard notifications, are triggered by polling the database to fetch information. As a result, background notifications are different from standard notifications in two ways:

  • The text of the notification is determined by the system and is not editable. Create a background notification the same way as a standard notification but leave the Notification box blank. Any text entered in the Notification box will be disregarded.
  • These notifications run automatically as a service in the background on a specified schedule. The default is every 24 hours at midnight.

See this video for an overview of notifications and walkthroughs of adding standard and background notifications with the resulting emails.



Part Numbers

Below Minimum Quantity On Hand

A single email is sent with the subject Below Minimum Quantity On Hand (and the company alias) containing each Part Number where the Quantity On Hand is less than the Minimum quantity for the stocking point. Inventory is grouped by Stocking Point.

Fields included: Part No, Description, Qty On Hand, and Min on Hand.

Personnel Certification

Personnel Certification Expiry

A single email is sent with the subject Personnel Certification Expiry (and the company alias) containing for all personnel certifications both expired and expiring within the next 30 days.

On Premise systems can override the number of days in advance in the configuration for the background notification frequency.

Fields included: Expiration Date, Personnel ID (Entity ID), First Name, Last Name, Certification, Description, and Expired (True / False)

Serialized Inventory

Service Due

A single email is sent with the subject Service Due (and the company alias) containing all serialized item where the Service Due date is on or before today and any serialized items that will be overdue based on the Notification Lead Time defined on the task. Items are grouped by Stocking Point.

Fields included: Part No, Description, Item ID, Serial Number, Inventory Status, Current Entity, Task, Frequency Meter, Last Service Date, Last Service Reading, Last Reading Date, Last Reading, Service Due Date, and Service Due Reading


Over Due Issues

A single email is sent with the subject Overdue Issues (and the company alias) containing all issued inventory where the Return Date on the transaction is prior to today.

Fields included: Transaction No, Transaction Type, Reference, Transaction Date, Due Date, Part No, Description, Item ID, Serial Number, Qty, Quantity Outstanding, Quantity Outstanding Cost, Work Order No, Unit Cost, Employer No, Employer, Entity Number, Entity Name, Craft, Supervisor, Job, Sub Job, Cost Code, Category, and Department

For On-Premise installations, see Configuring Background Notification Frequency.
For On-Premise installations where the ToolHound database is on a shared SQL Server, see Configuring the Background Notification Database List

For large On-Premise databases or where there is a likelihood of a large number of records to be included in a notification, it's best practice to create multiple notifications at lower visibilities (such as the stocking location) rather than a single notification for your organization. This avoids potential timeouts when processing the notifications and makes the notification email more manageable.

. ​​See also:

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