About Report Queue

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Scheduled Report Queue, on the menu under Reporting, is used to view reports currently queued to be sent shortly, the results of the last iteration of report, and any problems preventing a report being run.

See this video on scheduling reports, modifying scheduled reports, and troubleshooting.

The Queue tab displays a list of scheduled reports queued to be sent shortly. Quite often this list will be blank as reports are only in the queue for the period of time between when the report has been run and is emailed.

If there are a large number of reports with a large volume of data or, for an On-Premise installation, a long interval has been set, this page will display the details of these report.

Columns on this tab include Name of the report, Description of the report, Time Zone, Last Queue date and time, and the Next Queue date and time.


The Reports tabs contains a list of all scheduled reports with the results of the last run of the report.

The columns on this tab are the same as the Queue tab with the addition of Active (which can be 'true' or 'false') and Last Message.

The most frequent results for the Last Message are

Successful Run

The report was successfully run and emailed. This is the most frequent result.

No Data

The report was successfully run but contained no data. An email was sent with no attachment and "No Data" added to the body of the email.

Manual Run

The report was run manually from Scheduled Reports. Manually running the report does not affect the schedule. This can be used to re-send the same report if it was misplaced or to troubleshoot unexpected results and filters.


The Issues tab displays the same columns as the Reports tab but only for reports that were queued to send but did not successfully send.

Possible Message values containing the reason the report did not send:

Email not sent -

Any message beginning with "Email not sent" indicates a problem with the email configuration. The second half of the message will give more information.

Internal Server Error - see Application Log for details

An error prevented this report from running. Advise the appropriate resource according to your subscription type:

  • ToolHound Cloud: Email ToolHound Support and include a screenshot of the error.
  • ToolHound On-Premise: Contact your organization's IT personnel and include a screenshot of the error.

See also:

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