Using Advanced Filters for Reports

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Once a report has been launched from the Reports page, select the Advanced Filters tab to create, retrieve, or store any required parameters or criteria required for the report. As each section of the criteria is entered, it is added to the Filter: section above.

See this video for an overview of the difference between Quick and Advanced Filters and walkthroughs of multiple examples.


To add a single advanced filter condition
  1. Select the field against which to filter or compare from the list in the first column.
  2. Select the comparison operator in the second column.
  • The comparison operators <, <=,<>, =, >, >=, IN, CONTAINS, NOT IN, and DOES NOT CONTAIN all require comparison values against which to compare, whether it is a fixed value or another field.
  • The comparison operators IS NOT NULL and IS NULL look for blank or non-initialized values (not necessarily 0) so no additional parameters to the filter are required.
  1. Enter the comparison value if required.
  • To compare against a specific value, enter it in the text box in the third column.
  • To compare against another field, select it in the fourth column.
For Advanced Filters, date fields support the relative variables of 'today', 'tomorrow', 'yesterday', 'this month', 'last month', 'next month', 'this year', 'last year', and 'next year'. Do not include single quotes.


To add additional advanced filter conditions
  1. Click under Filter: to add another criteria row. By default, the connector between this and previous conditions will be AND.
  2. If required, change the connector to OR.
  3. Build the filter for this row as described above.
  4. Repeat the steps above for each additional filter.
For advanced users familiar with nested conditions or compound queries, use at the end of a filter row to create a compound condition where the first filter condition and the one being added are grouped within parentheses. Select Add And or Add Or to specify the connector for the grouped conditions.


To save a filter for reuse
  1. Build the desired filter criteria.
  2. Click on the Advanced Filters toolbar.
  3. Type the New criteria name then click OK.


To retrieve a saved filter
  1. Select the desired criteria from the Saved Filters list.

To clear the contents of the filters and begin again, click the button on the top right of the tab.
Any filters entered on this tab work in conjunction with any quick Filters.

See also:

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