Creating a Transfer Rate Sheet

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Transfer Rentals in the left side menu, then Transfer Rate Sheets.
  2. Click  to add a new rate sheet. The rate sheet will be set to Active and the Currency will be populated based on the Setting Options.
  3. Type the Transfer Rate Sheet name.
  4. Select a Visibility.
  5. Select the Rental Period.
  6. Check Round Up to Full Period? to bill for entire rental periods instead of the default decimal portions of the rental period.
  7. Add part number to the Details tab using one of the methods below. At least one part number must be added before saving the new rate sheet.
  • Enter a part number in Add Detail and press Tab.
  • Click Add Part Numbers. Click Yes to add all part numbers within the selected visibility to the rate sheet or No to cancel.

Rates can be added now or later but rates must be on the rate sheet before any transfers take place.
  1. Click  to save the new transfer rate sheet.

Once rate sheets are created and rates have been entered, determine who will be charged rent then add the renting locations to the Transfer Rate Sheet.

See also:

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