Using Service Due to generate Work Orders for Date-Based Tasks

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Service in the left side menu bar and click Service Due.
  2. Select the Stocking Location.
  3. Specify the date the Service Due As Of then click . All items with service due by the selected date displayed in the grid.
  4. Select the Work Order Status and Priority to apply to every work order in the batch to be created.
  5. Select the items for which to generate the work orders:
  • Select each row for which to generate a work order by clicking in the box to the left.
  • To create work orders for each item and task listed, click Select All in the column header.
  1. Click to generate a work order for each row selected.  A confirmation message will be displayed and the Work Order No. column will be updated for the selected rows.​​
Click the Work Order No to view the contents of the WO and add any additional information or update the status.

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