About Status Change - Transfer Rental

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Use Status Change under Transfer Rental to quickly move all inventory on rent to a stocking point from one rental status to another, switching between standard rate, idle rates, or paused rent. Optionally target items on rent from a single transfer. All inventory meeting the criteria will be set to the selected rental status effective the time and date specified.

Any charges resulting from the change in status will also be applied. The charge for the previous status in effect will be applied up to the change date.

  • If On Rent items are paused or set to idle rates, the standard rate charge will be calculated from the most recent of the original transfer date or the last Partial Billing or the last status change up to the date selected.
  • If Idle items are paused or set to On Rent, the idle rate charge will be calculated from the most recent of the original transfer date or the last Partial Billing or the last status change up to the date selected.
  • If Paused items are set to On Rent or Idle, no charge will be applied.
To change the rental status of a single item, see Changing the Status for an Item On Rent - Transfer Rental

Examples of when to use this feature:

  • During a "staging" phase all transfer rentals can be set to Pause until the stocking point becomes active
  • When a stocking point becomes active after a Pause, rentals can be set back to On Rent.
  • When a remote stocking point is inactive for a period of time but the inventory will not be returned, rentals can be set to Idle or Pause.
To view all items with a specific status, such as all transfer rentals set to Idle, use the Transfer On Rent report and apply the Advanced Filter for the desired Rental Status.

Related Reports
Transfer On Rent

See also:

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