Checking Out inventory on TH6 Kiosk

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

To check out inventory on the TH6 Kiosk,

  1. Log in.
  2. Click or tap Check Out. The Check Out page will be displayed with the default transaction type Issued.
The transaction type can be changed if other equivalent transaction types exist.
  1. Add any additional information about this issue including the Due Date, Job, Sub Job, Cost Code, Reference and Work Order.
  2. Enter or scan the Item ID to check out.
If the item ID is unknown, click or tap to search by description. Select an item ID from the list.
When the item ID for a kit is scanned, click or tap to view the detailed list of kit content item IDs and quantities.
  1. For non-serialized inventory, change the Qty if necessary.
  2. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each item to issue.
  3. Click or tap to process the transaction.

See also:

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