Importing Pictures and File Attachments

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Utilities in the left side menu bar and click Import Data.
  2. Navigate to the data import option for your import by expanding the header then click to select the import type.
  3. Scroll down to click Choose Files to the right of Select File.
  • For Inventory part number images, ensure that the image file name matches an existing part number. Import images for one or more part numbers at a time by pressing and holding down Ctrl while clicking to select each image.
  • For Personnel images, ensure that the image file name matches an existing Entity ID. Import images for one or more personnel at a time by pressing and holding down Ctrl while clicking to select each image.
  • For Attachments, ensure that the file name begins with an existing ID for the type of data. Import attachments for one or more of the same type of data at a time by pressing and holding down Ctrl while clicking to select each file.

Select File and Choose Files are not displayed unless an import type has been selected.

  1. Click on the toolbar. After a short delay, the Results panel will be displayed in place of Select File and Choose File.
If "Import completed with errors" is displayed, this relates to specific files imported. This is not uncommon. Continue with the step below to determine the details of the errors for the the specific rows.
  1. Review the Results panel.
    1. If Rows With Errors is more than 0, don't panic. Click Click here to see results to download and save the Excel spreadsheet with a column for the file name and Result. The Result at the right indicating whether the record was created or updated, or the describe error preventing the data from being imported.
      1. Address each row with an error, correcting file names if necessary.
      2. Start from the beginning to import the corrected errors.
    2. Compare Created and Updated numbers. Imports will not create duplicates. Existing records will be updated. If desired, click Click here to see results to download and save the Excel spreadsheet with your file name and Result column at the right indicating whether the record was created or updated.
    3. If Rows with Errors is 0, you have successfully completed your import. If desired, click Click here to see results to download and save the Excel spreadsheet with your list of file names and Result column at the right indicating whether the record was created or updated.

See also:

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