Installing ToolHound 6 Kiosk

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Ensure your environment meets the prerequisites listed in the Technical Requirements for ToolHound Kiosk before beginning the installation.
To update an existing installation of the TH6 Kiosk, take a screenshot or otherwise note the Settings prior to uninstalling the app. Then proceed with the installation of the updated version.
  1. Download the installer file from the link provided to you by email. The file name begins with "ToolHound6Kiosk.UWP_202" and ends with ".zip".
  2. Unzip
  3. Right click on Install.ps1 and select Run with Powershell.
You may be asked for permission to install on your computer.
Developer Mode (Install apps from any source, including loose files) must be ON in Windows Settings.
  1. Press Enter when completed. ToolHound 6 Kiosk will appear on the Windows menu once the installation is complete.
  2. Launch the ToolHound 6 Kiosk. The Settings will be displayed.

You can now proceed to configure the Settings.

See also:

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