Updating Transfer Rate Sheet Rates

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Transfer rates can be updated by three methods:

  • Edit the rate manually for one or several part numbers on a transfer rate sheet.
  • Import the rate sheet to overwrite existing rates on a transfer rate sheet.
  • Use Update Rates to calculate rate changes by a percentage value.

Update Rates

Update Rates will change all rates that are not locked by the same percentage value according to the options you select. Changes to not take effect until the rate sheet is saved. To increase a rate, enter a value greater than 100%. To decrease the rate, enter a value less than 100%

Percent of Current Rate

Enter the % of Current Rate by which the current rates will be increase.

% of Cost

Enter values to increase one or all of Rental Rate, Idle Rate, Minimum Charge, Maximum Charge and Selling Price.

Using Update Rates
  1. Look up the rate sheet.
  2. Click Update Rates.
  3. Enter the percentages by which to change the rates for the desired option.
  4. Click OK to proceed or Cancel to close the Update Rates message box.
  5. Click  to save the changes to the rates.
The rate changes can be cleared by clicking at any time before saving the changes.

See also:

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