Adding a Manual Charge - Transaction Rental

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Adding a new charge is used to add manual charges such as supplemental fees or to capture "catch up" charges if an item was omitted from a rental.

Manual charges can be a one-time flat-rate charges with the same Start and End Date by default or a time-based charge that uses the rate sheet rates.

To issue a credit or negative charge, set the Qty to -1.
  1. Click Transaction Rentals in the left menu, then click Transaction Charges.
  2. Click in the edit tool bar. The Rental Status will be set to Manual. The Start Date and End Date will default to the current date and time.
  3. Enter a Billing Location and Renting Entity.
  4. Add any additional information about this charge including the Job, Sub Job, Cost Code, Reference and any Notes.
  5. Enter an Item ID.
  6. Enter the charge values:
    1. For a flat rate charge, enter the Initial Charge and Qty. The Total is auto generated based on the entries on the page.
    2. For a time-based charge,
      1. Modify the the Start Date and End Date.
      2. Optionally add an Initial Charge.
      3. Check Idle Rate to use these values instead of standard rates.
      4. Click Calculate Charges. The Total is auto generated based on the entries on the page.
  7. Click  to save the changes.

See also:

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