Exchanging an Item On Rent - Transaction Rental

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Serialized items on rent can be swapped for another item of the same part number in the case of a breakdown, emergency repair, or required service without the need to create separate return and issue transactions for the item being returned and the replacement item.

Exchange is not enabled if Allow ReIssue and Auto-Return of Serialized Items is not permitted in the stocking location Settings.
  1. Click Transaction Rentals in the left menu, then click Transaction On Rent.
  2. Look up the On Rent record for the item.
  3. Click Exchange above the Rental Status details. A new row will appear in the grid below and a popup window will display all in stock items for the same part number.
  4. Click to select the replacement item ID. It will be added on the new row in the grid.
  5. Select the Rental Status Date and time for the exchange to take effect.
  6. Click  to save the changes. The original item ID is returned and the replacement item ID is issued with the selected date and time. The original transaction number will now display a Replaced With tab linking the details of the issue transaction for the replacement item. If a charge is applied, will appear to the right of this new grid row. Click to view the Transaction Charge generated.

See also:

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