About Transaction Rate Sheets

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Transaction Rate Sheet defines the parameters, or terms, and set of rental rates and selling prices for some or all part numbers. Each rate sheet can be assigned to multiple employers or non-stocking locations.

Watch this video for an overview of using the Transaction Rental module, covering the related data, components, and actions and how they fit together transparently on day-to-day transactions, and how to complete a billing cycle.

Common fields include:

Transaction Rate Sheet

Enter the name of the rate sheet.


Select the location visibility of the rate sheet.

Days in Month

Enter the number of days in the month, if needed, or if not using an entire month.


Select the currency for the charges.


Check if the current rate sheet can be used.

Round Up To Full Period

Check to round charges to entire period charge, e.g. full day, week, month, etc.

Calendar Month

Check to charge based on entire calendar month including weekends and holidays.

Skip Weekends and Holidays

Check to remove weekend and holidays from monthly charges.

Cost is Max Charge

Check to cap the charges at the cost, regardless of actual time rented.

For serialized parts, this applies to the entire rental. For bulk parts, this applies per billing period.

Validate Part No

Check to validate if the part number is on the rate sheet or not.

Part numbers flagged as kits are not permitted on rate sheets for either Transaction Rental or Transfer Rental to avoid duplication of charges as kit components are already on the rate sheets.
Related Reports
Rate Sheet

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