About Currencies

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Currencies is used to maintain the list of currencies available for tracking various costs. These costs can be directly on serialized items and inventory adjustments as well as on purchasing tasks (purchase requisitions, POs, inventory receipts, and returns). Currencies can also be set for vendors.

The default currency is set when ToolHound is installed, either Canadian Dollar or American Dollar. Most organizations use this single currency for all costs.

When a different default currency required, add this currency then set it as the default in the Settings.
When more than one currency could be used, add any additional currencies as required. In the Settings, ensure Multi Currency is enabled and the appropriate default currency is selected.
A currency can not be deleted if it is referenced any where else in the application.
Watch this video for an understanding of the different pick lists available and the types of data they contain. If you are importing inventory or personnel data, these values need to exist in the system first.

See also:

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