What training options are available?

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Onsite training is available where one of our seasoned trainers will travel to your location to train individuals or groups at your facility over two or three days. Leverage onsite training for new system implementations and to select best practices suited to your environment. Contact our Support team or your account manager for more information.

Web training is targeted to your organization's specific needs and is cost-effective. Maximize your investment by ensuring you and your colleagues are up-to-speed on ToolHound with personalized web training.

Some drivers for additional web training include

  • refresher training for one or two individuals
  • deep dives into a specific workflow or module
  • training for a new administrator
  • training new hires in advance of a shutdown or turnaround
  • complete A-Z instruction for a new project site

Web training can be booked in sessions of as little as one hour or purchased in a block of hours to be used as needed. Contact our Support team or your account manager for more information.

Lunch and Learn sessions are also offered on a regular basis. Each 30-minute session is on a specific topic. The schedule and topics are announced in our newsletter. Email us to register or for more information.

Video tutorials are available at the ToolHound Learning Center on YouTube. See Are there video tutorials?

See also:

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