Receiving a Transfer on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Tap Locations on the main menu, then Receive Transfer.
  2. Select a transfer to receive.
    1. Scroll through the list or type the Transfer No to filter the list.
    2. Tap on the row for the transfer to open it.
  3. Complete the general information on the Home tab.
    1. To modify the received date, uncheck Use Current Date? to choose a different date/time.
    2. Select an Inventory Status for the item(s) to be received. Only inventory statuses defined as Can Issue are available.
    3. Add any Notes if needed.
  4. Tap to move to the cart to receive the item(s).​​
  5. Receive each item in the transfer shipment.
    1. Enter in the Item ID for the item to be received. Use to scan a barcode, or if the ID is not known, tap to enter a description and select the item from the list. The row in the details grid will be highlighted. The Received Qty for serialized items is automatically set to 1.
    2. For non-serialized items, adjust the Received Qty by typing a value or using or to increase or decrease the value.
  6. Tap when finished to receive the item(s).
To receive all items on the list and the quantities have been verified, the quick way to receive is to tap on the top right of the screen to Receive All.
To clear the cart values, tap on the top right of the screen, and begin again.

See also:

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