About Item Lookup on TH6 Kiosk

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This screen is used to look up details on an item ID for any type of inventory.

Item ID

The Primary ID for the item

Alternate IDs

All alternate IDs for the item separated by commas

Part No

The part number for the item


The description for the item

Inventory Type

The inventory type for the item


The manufacturer for the item


The model for the item


The Stocking Point owning the item

Bin Shelf

The storage area for the item

Qty on Hand

The quantity currently on hand for the item. For serialized items, this should only ever be 1 or 0.

Serial Number

The serial number, if available, for serialized inventory

Inventory Status

The inventory status for serialized Inventory

Current Entity

The current location for serialized inventory. If the serialized item is issued, this will be the entity. If the item is in stock or in transit or retired, it will be the stocking location.


The number of associated stocking points will overlay the top right corner of the button.

Click or tap to view quantity on hand and bin shelf for the part number associated with this item for each stocking point.


The number of associated attachments will overlay the top right corner of the button.

Click or tap to view a list of attachments with their description and modified date. Attachments to the part number are displayed for all inventory types. For serialized items, attachments to the item are also displayed.

Click or tap anywhere on the row for an attachment to view the attachment. Click or tap the arrow at the top left to return to the Attachments page.


The number of associated service tasks will overlay the top right corner of the button. Click or tap to view all required service tasks for a serialized item. Included information for each task is the Description, Frequency, Last Service, Last Reading (for reading-only tasks), and Service Due date.

Meter Reading

The number of associated meters for reading will overlay the top right corner of the button. Click or tap to view all meter readings for a serialized item.

See also:

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