Details tab for Transaction Rate Sheet

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Fields on this tab include:

Part Number

Displays the part number we are setting the rates for.


Displays the read-only description of the item.


If not checked, mass updates are allowed for rate.

Hourly Rate

Enter the rental rate charged for an hour.

Daily Rate

Enter the rental rate charged for a day.

Weekly Rate

Enter the rental rate charged for a week.

Monthly Rate

Enter the rental rate charged for a month.

Hourly Idle Rate

Enter the idle rental rate charged for an hour.

Daily Idle Rate

Enter the idle rental rate charged for a day.

Weekly Idle Rate

Enter the idle rental rate charged for a week.

Monthly Idle Rate

Enter the idle rental rate charged for a month.

Minimum Charge

Enter the minimum rental charge.

  • For Serialized part numbers is applies to the entire duration of the rental
  • For Bulk part numbers this applies to the rental period in the billing cycle

Maximum Charge

Use the Maximum Charge to cap charges.

Enter the maximum rental charge:

  • For Serialized part numbers is applies to the entire duration of the rental and is cumulative. Once the maximum is reached, no further rent will be charged.
    Example: An item is issued in September 1st, 2022 with and partial billings are run at each month end. If the Monthly rate is 50 and the Max Charge is 175, charges will be calculated as follows:
    • September 30 - $50
    • October 31 - $50
    • November 30 - $50
    • December 31 - $25 Calculated as 175-(50+50+50)
    • January 31 - $0
    • subsequent months until the item is returned - $0
  • For Bulk part numbers this applies to the rental period in the billing cycle. This is renewed and recalculated each rental period.
    Example: Three of the same part number are together on issued September 1st, 2022, two are returned on November 30th, and partial billings are run at each month end. If the Monthly rate is 10 and the Max Charge is 20, the charges will be calculated as follows:
    • September 30 - $30 Calculated as 3 x 10
    • October 31 - $30 Calculated as 3 x 10
    • November 30 - $30 Calculated as 3 x 10
    • December 31 - $10 Calculated as 1 x 10
    • January 31 - $10 Calculated as 1 x 10. Note that the Max Charge is never reached within the billing period.

Selling Price

Enter the price to charge when an item is sold.

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