Upgrading from ToolHound 5

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Upgrading data from ToolHound 5 to ToolHound 6 is a simple process and is completed at the Register stage of the installation. The ToolHound 5 data is copied into the new ToolHound 6 database with the correct schema and the ToolHound 5 database remains.

Both the ToolHound 5 and ToolHound 6 databases must be on the same instance of SQL Server. Data conversion from ToolHound 5 to 6 DOES NOT work if your databases are located on cloud instances of SQL.

By default, all user passwords are reset to top_dog If you wish to retain the ToolHound 5 passwords, contact Support.

  1. Complete the registration page information as described in Registering the ToolHound 6 Database.
  2. Enter the name of the ToolHound 5 database to be converted (the Company Alias in TH5) into the Import ToolHound 5 Data field.
  3. Click to complete the registration and migrate the data.
You can also do the conversion after registration via the Import Data function.
Review Roles. The new Edit Label option set at the Role level is toggled on if the role had the Edit permission for the Caption menu option in ToolHound 5.
Custom fields for part numbers and personnel are migrated from ToolHound 5 to ToolHound 6 but are not visible to the user. To view these fields, use an SQL query in the Command Window.
Notifications are affected due to different fields in ToolHound 6. Review notifications to use the fields from ToolHound 6.

See also:

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