Approving a Work Order

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

If the work order matches a pre-defined approval process , a list of required approving authorities will appear on the Approvals tab. If the logged-in user is on the list and can approve the purchase order, the Approve check box will be available.  

Information in the approval grid include the user designated as an approver, the order or sequence number for the approver, the check box indicating whether the approver has signed off on the work order and the date it was approved.​​

  1. Look up the work order to edit under Service > Work Orders.
  2. Click the Approval tab.
  3. Click Approve for the row corresponding to the current user.  
  4. Click  to save the change.
If two or more approval authority have the same order then any one of them is needed to approve the work order.
If all the approval authority (at least one from each order number) have approved the work order, then the work order will be considered as approved and the Approved check box in the General tab will be checked.
The approver who has approved the work order last is allowed to un-check the Approve check box in the General tab but only when the work order has a non-closed state Status.

See also:

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