Transaction Reports

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The available Transaction reports are listed alphabetically below. Most frequently used reports are in bold.


Displays a list of consumable and non stock items that have been issued. Usually within a selected date range or for a particular entity, part number, or category.

Columns on this report: Transaction Number, Location, Date / Time, Part Number, Description, Item ID, Entity ID, Entity Description, Craft, Employer Name, Supervisor Name, Job, Sub job, Cost Code, Work Order, Qty, Transaction Type, Cost, Total.

Damaged Tools

Displays a historical list of tools that have been returned as damaged, lost, or written off.

This report is not limited to only assets that are currently retired. It includes those that were previously reinstated. For a list of all items currently lost or retired for other reasons, use the Retired Items report under Inventory.

Columns on this report: Location, Part Number, Description, Item ID, Peak Usage, QOH.

Exceeds Max Issue

Displays a list of tools that are issued and have exceeded the max issue level in the part number.

Columns on this report: Entity ID, Entity Name, Craft, Organization Name, Supervisor, Part No, Description, Item ID, Maximum Issue, Qty

Issue Summary

Displays a summary list of tools currently issued, separated by entity.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Issued, Entity ID, Entity


Displays a list of tools that are currently issued as of the date on the report. When the Due Date is specified, it reports on over due issues only.

Columns on this report: Transaction Number, Location, Date / Time, Part Number, Description, Item ID, Entity ID, Entity Description, Craft, Employer Name, Supervisor Name, Job, Sub job, Cost Code, Work Order, Qty, Return Status, Cost, Total.

Issues By Part

Displays a list of issues per stocking location per part number.

Columns on this report: Location, Part Number, Description, Item ID, Entity ID, Entity Description, Craft, Organization Name, Supervisor, Transaction Type, Qty, Cost, Total.

Requisition Back Orders

Displays a list of requisitions that are not fully fulfilled.

Columns on this report: Requisition No., Location, Created Date, Required Date, Entity ID, Entity Name, Employer, Supervisor, Part No, Description, Bin Shelf, Qty Required, Qty Picked, Balanced, Abbreviation.

Transaction Activity

​Displays a list of issue/return transactions for a location(s) by entity.

Columns on this report: Transaction Number, Location, Date / Time, Part Number, Description, Primary ID, Entity ID, Entity Description, Craft, Employer Name, Supervisor Name, Job, Sub job, Cost Code, Work Order, Due Date, Quantity, Transaction Type, Return Status, Cost, Total.

Transaction Receipt

Displays a receipt for each transaction from a location or within a time frame.

Columns on this report: Transaction Number, Location, Location Address, Date / Time, Notes, Entity ID, Entity Description, Craft, Employer Name, Supervisor Name, Job, Sub job, Cost Code, Work Order, Part Number, Description, Item ID, Qty, Transaction Type, Return Status, Cost, Total.

Transaction Requisition

Displays a receipt for each transaction requisition from a location or within a time frame.

Columns on this report: Requisition No., Required Date, Expected Return Date, Job, Subjob, Cost Code, Work Order, Instructions, Notes, Part Number, Description, Bin/Shelf, Qty Required, Qty Picked, Balance, Unit

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